Friday 20 July 2012

Cyby and That Dude Wednesday Update

Hello my awesome readers!

I'm posting this to explain about the lack of a post on Wednesday.
Cyby and I didn't get a chance to really film, but as I said in my other post, we'd do a video when possible. I was thinking of doing another post to fill in for it, but I couldn't really come up with anything in the time I had, because I was out pretty much all day. So, sorry about that.
Also, check out the first post for Thoughtful Thursday! I worked on it with Alylianna AKA the Dudess! :)
One more update!
I may be going away for about three weeks! I'm going to possibly be working as an SIT (Staff in Training) at a summer camp I've gone to. It's going to be really fun, but I'm going to miss posting for you guys :( But, in the words of the Terminator, I'll be back! :P
Since I'll be leaving this Sunday, I'll post JT/King Valun's blog in the Epic blog of the week a little early. Or maybe I'll just have it show both J and J's and King Valun's. We'll see.
Anyway, that's about all I can think of for updates, other than look forward to today's review! :D

Keep being awesome!
I'm That Dude.

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