Sunday 12 May 2013

Hey, Hey! It's Mother's Day!

Hello my awesome reader!

It's that time of year when we show appreciation to that special lady. Of course, I hope we all show appreciation for our mothers all year round, and not just one day :P But anyway, today I will dedicate this post to moms everywhere.
So, let's raise our glasses of water to those incredible individuals! Moms do so much for us. They raise us, love us, teach us, and put up with us when we go through those wonderful teenage years lol Yeah, the ones where we are so very agreeable! Looking back at my own teen years, I have to say my mom had her work cut out for her :P
There have been challenges in my life, but many of them were made easier with the help of my own mom :)
She helped me study for school, helped me learn how to cook, though my scrambled eggs still need work :P She was there when I needed answers to questions and when I just needed to talk. I love my mom, and I'm glad I've been blessed with such a good one.
So, to all those mothers out there, though I kinda doubt any will be reading this, happy Mother's Day :)
Keep being awesome, and give your awesome mom a hug :)
I'm That Dude.

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